SAP Note 1270629 - SAPBINews NW7.0 BI ABAP Support Package 21

Composant : SAP Business Information Warehouse -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
Cette note SAP assiste l'installation du Support Package 21 pour BI Release 7.00, en détaillant les actions manuelles nécessaires, les occurrences d'erreurs, et les améliorations générales. Elle spécifie les précautions nécessaires avant l'importation telles que la vérification et l'activation des objets inactifs via la transaction SE80. Après l'importation, seules les notes SAP critiques comme les 'Hot News' et les corrections de haute priorité doivent être appliquées. Elle traite également des erreurs de syntaxe potentielles après l'importation et des étapes de leur résolution en utilisant l'Assistant de Notes (SNOTE). Des corrections pertinentes dans les notes SAP existantes pour des erreurs spécifiques et des améliorations des fonctionnalités BI sont énumérées, en soulignant un processus de mise à niveau structuré et prudent.

Mots Clés :
note 911032 'faq - sap support package stack download', query displays incorrect data, support package manager processing, downloading support package stacks, terminated note installation consistently, support package general information, 0 support package stack 19, sap service marketplace, aggregate creation terminates, bw queries terminated

Notes associées :

1502393Subsequent correction to Note 1356638
1426987Excel as a data source for transformation operations
1414059Missing authorization check in a BW report
1408740RSEC: Correction log SID_Problem 1
1408317RSEC: Corrections to user interface of RSECAUTH02 01
14048167.01SP7:Short dump in maintaining Changelog deletion Variant
1404328MDX: bXML flattening and PROPERTIES: Columns overwritten
1404041SP23:DTP: Creation of ref. from error DTP if std DTP deleted
1403829P23:DSO:WO DSO:Deleting large no. of requests takes too long
1399686MDX: bXML flattening returns incorrect column values
1399684MDX: Flattening returns incorrectly formatted data
1399123Consulting: Shared use of Transfer Structure
1398268RRI: Incorrect resorting in transaction RSBBS
1395929System error in program CL_RSR and form GET_CHANMID-01-
1395214Performance when loading data to InfoCube is optimized
13939277.01SP6:Authority Issue/Popup in maintaining PSA del variant
1392369MDX DEV: Crystal Reports and multi-structure BW query
1392147Hierarchies in BIA: LCT corrections
1385197Deleting inconsistent DTP requests during upgrade
1384924No authorization using hierarchy with intervals and patterns
13837117.11 SP4 RSAR_PSA_NEWDS_MAPPING_CHECK for A1S customers
1383605Check sum is incorrect for BIA-only InfoCubes
1382969Correction: Incorrect text for message RSDS 030
1382767Integrated planning: BAdI for logging
1379550N - Error when Delta determining field is Date
1378904RRI poor performance when reading table RSOLTPSOURCE
1377274Obselete PSA for new segmented datasource
1376966zu Archivieren
1376897OIP: Selection text is initial
1375105Result set is empty after you set filter for hierarchy
1374799Explorer: No texts for time dependency
1373242"NumberFormatException" in Data Federator facade
1373184BI-IP: READ_CELL-01- when generating a query
1372931Correction: RSPCM runtime analysis too slow
1369898BOX accelerated: Corrections based on 7.01 Support Package 5
1367749To Archive
1366703Correction: Remote hierarchies can be selected for file
136666670SP22: Active DTP fails when executed in process chain
1366576Accessibilty of Documents from Bex Analyzer
1366344P23:STATMAN:Manage: Poor performance if there are no texts
1366071The Refresh function does not work for input-ready queries
1365977Authorization log: No authorization for InfoProvider
136597670SP22:Transport of deletion and activation of DTPs
1365955Correction: CCMS tree filled although data collector is off
1365904Sequence of Variables is wrongly displayed in Broadcasting
1365901P23:DSO:DTP: Activation step checks long DTP requests
1365881Misleading error messages during interval check
1365780DB6:Missing DBDIFF entries for unique index on E fact tables
1365514CX_SY_RANGE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS error opening executing query
1365505Variable when used in the upper limit of filter is ignored
1365502P23:BATCH: Servers always reserved in alphabetic sort order
1365456Correction: CSV parameter cannot be changed for hierarchies
1365450Texts in wrong language in SBO Explorer
1365322P22:DSO:DTP:IPAK:Scheduler:Generated InfoPackage always del.
1365321P22:SDL:IPAK: Delta InfoPackage receives init sels. too late
1365245MDX: Termination due to default key figure that is not found
1365084Error handling of SQL errors when data is read
1364717MDX: No data for NON EMPTY in combination with NULL in CM
1364715MDX: Authorization check of BEx queries
1364273720: Screen field scrollable despite space behind field
1364190DB6: User-defined views invalid after InfoCube data deletion
1364081P22: MON: Calling the load monitor from InfoProvider DWB
1364037Corr.: DB connect DataSources cannot be delivered as Content
1364020P22:DTP: Delta DTP is executed twice - duplicate data
1364016P22:PSA:DTP: More than 100 PSA requests not transferred
1363954Query with temporal hierarchy join displays incorrect data
1363928P22:SDL: Syntax errors if hierarchy routine not sorted
1363705Subsequent correction for exception aggregations NHA and NGA
1363526SP23:Insertion of records in PSA table made more secured
1363058P22: No delete authorization check/selective deletion
1362880Improving performance for hierarchies in BSP
1362805SP22: Enabling file upload from different environments
1362437No authorization and no error message in the log
1362129MDX: bXML-WebI: Number of returned lines is 0
1362110caching of time-dependant navigational attributes
1361794BW Server Error: "No InfoProvider exists with name"
1361471'Publish in Portal' does not work in Query Designer 3.x
1361256Correction: Dump occurs in transation RSB_RELEASE for TBDLS
1361045RSRV: Root nodes are possible to be chosen
136103670SP22: Exclusive lock on table NRIV & DDFTX during upload
1361012Refreshing query after creating document takes a long time
1360460Error in forecast function
1360381REPARTITIONING: Shadow tables are not deleted
1360222P22: DTP: Performance improvement for select in constructor
1360085DB6: Correction RSRV InfoCube index check
1360047P22:PSA: Incorrect completeness check: PSA requests
1360031HIER: Too little data or incorrect data due to THJ hierarchy
1359771Error message BRAIN 605 during Business Content activation
1359576BW-IP: Compression not optimal
1359397P22:PC:REQUDEL:Switching full variant to deleting delta DTPs
1359318Error when MultiProvider hints are processed
1358899P22:SDL:New DS and file name routine execution
1358770Correction: Error deleting orphaned jobs
1358706Incorrect data when KIDSEL and delta cache are used
1358694Time-dependent text not displayed correct in variable screen
1358619Small corrections to AUTH protocol
1358613P22: DTP: Dump for RSBKFIND_DTP_WITHOUT_PSA (remote DTPs)
1358612BI-IP:Ready-for-input status for 0infoprov in struc. element
1358280Unauthorized locks on key figures
1358278Dump in RSCDS_MERGE_DUPL_REF_POINTS with MAX,MIN key figures
1358255P22: SDL: Misleading, confusing dialog box
1358049Insufficient authorization in integrated planning
1357997720:Improvements in display of cube-request-archiving
1357958Currency translation error
1357539Issue with multiple single value hierarchy node variable F4
1357455P22:Writing logs when deleting master data request
1357433Child-parent relationships in hierarchy are read incorrectly
1357370No authorization check for editor
1357367F table 0 partition is missing from BW Oracle aggregates
1357168Error R7 024 maintaining process variant for PSA deletion
1356655Reference point query for non-cumulative queries
1356638Enhancement RSDRC_CONVEX_Hull
1356633Planning function processes too many records
1356483720: Archiving requests (not yet compressed) from InfoCubes
1356401GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED_RANGE when you execute a query
1356288Filter cannot be created in the Planning Modeler
1356040Hierarchy and authorization: Nodes indented too far
1355972Correction: DECFLOAT for non-replicating systems
1355888P22:DTP: Generated programs are not deleted
1355739P22:PC:ROLLUP: Long runtime if no aggregates exist
1355669X299 BRAIN in SAPLRRK0; form LRECH_AGGR_BNR-02-
1355660Several entries in table RSDDSTATAGGRDEF are not deleted
1355366P22:DTP: After-import dump OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED_NO
1355328Correction: Incorrect collector processes are masked
1355209Correction: Database problems during SELECT on RSPCCHAIN
1355124P22: No explicit DELETE authorization check
1354875BI 7.0(SP22) Missing and incorrect checks
1354814Incorr. data for master data provider and key figure attrib.
1354610Data Source DB table: Short dumps occur during extraction
1354341Syntax error in the generated CUBE write program
1354212HIER: CL_RSR_HIERARCHY_BINCL_THJ does not exist
1354150P22:DTP: Parallel batch work process checked too early
13540017.02: Checkman accessability
1353746CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL: Input-ready query terminates
1353682Termination when reactivating a special BW aggregate
1353675P22:RSBATCH: Dump ID_NOT_EXIST if header has no CTRL entry
1353605P22: Manage: DTP requests with USTATE = 0 and selections
1353231P22:AWB: Attribute change run: Do not delete SM37 logs
1352969P22:DTP: After import of DTPs with deletion/use
135289070SP22: DTP_AUTO_RESTART when used with open hub destination
1352835BI 7.0(SP22): Saving and activating for non-cumulative cubes
1352790SP22: Deadlock in parallel master data update in DB4
13524657.01SP05:New PSA deletion considers PSA having OBJSTAT 'INA'
1352432F4 help: Limit hierachy members in selection screen
1352413SP22: Short Dump in Master Data update in CL_RSDMD_FACTORY
1352273P22:PC:ODSPROCESS: No information about run in process chain
1352023SP22:Create routine in process type Delete overlapping reqs.
135183970SP22: Real time DTP with Full Data load possible
1351780Correction: DS missing from detail/Dialog box saving image
1351544SP22: Technical Settings for Errorstack tables
1351303Query with open time selection intervall shows no data
1351034720: Accessibility
1350967P22:STATMAN:Manage:DM flag not set/data update via delta DTP
1350851RAISE_EXCEPTION during master data read
1350677Performance optimization of selectors in Web interfaces
1350397X299 BRAIN in CL_RSR, form GET_COB_PRO-01-
1349947Structure element not displayed because parent is suppressed
134991170SP22: 'Repair' option doesn't work for DTP
1349892Correction: ABAP does not continue for manual status change
1349595System error in program SAPLRRS2 and form GET_SID-1-
1349543P22:SDL:Routine selection not moved to the left
1349251720:SDL:BAPI:DF migration tool: Information message RSM1 071
1349183P22:DTP: After import of full DTPs that overlap
1349105P22:DTP:STATMAN: Complete deletion and delta only once
1349103720:REQARCH:DTP: Optimizing perf. when archiving requests
134879770SP22: SY530 - 'An exception has occurred' creating DTP
1348794Correction: PSADELETE does not find DS if emulated with SAP
1348675Correction: Too many InfoPackages found
1348575System error in CL_RSD_MULTIPROV and form CHECK_ATRNAV-01-
1348474Performance improvement when loading query w/ hierarchies
1348303P22:SDL:PC:Auth:Authorization check for HIERSAVE
1348132P22: Message RSMPC 162 is confusing and long text incorrect
1348126P22:DTP:DTP terminates with error: No batch available
13481237.20:SDL:BIA-only data targets generate confusing message
1348092Corr.: Hierarchy cannot be selected when loading w/o PSA
1348038P22:SDL:Field for generic delta hidden from selection
1347606SP22: Processing of datapackage gets terminated
1347438Health check could check fewer chains
1346920Check for archived areas with UPDATE RULES
1346610Correction: Errors occur for generic BW delta
1346286RSRV: BRAIN 165 error when loading a test package
1346235Stateless templates cause "400 Session timed out" error
1346179THJ: Dump during change run/incorrect aggregates
1346049BI7.0 (Support Package 22) Number of packages is initial
1345842Read accesses using RSDRI do not use BWA (for example, APD)
1345686BRAIN599: Creating hier auth when parent char has chaconst
1345497REQARCH:DTP:Too many data records are archived
13453317.01SP05:RSDODSO 201 during PSA deletion in Process Chain
1345224Correction: DTP is "changed" when you switch tab pages
1345223BW RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ not cleaning up 01 tables it created
1345194MultiProvider for Explorer: Error due to non-cumulatives
1345164Correction: ALV is not emptied when leaving groups
1345039Wrong field name (INFOOBJECT) for file hierarchy DataSources
1344779Correction: Multiple PSA references in variant from content
134446470SP22: DTP fails with RSBATCH026 error message
1344362SP22:No popup when master data is deleted from Maintenance
1344135Termination GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED during RRI navigation
1344053Empty var. value incorrectly filled after backwrd navigation
1344040SP22: Improvement to tool RSAR_RSTSODS_DUPLICATES
1343835Currency conversion state is not saved in query view
1343541BI7.0(SP22) Dump occurs when copying a transformation
1342955BI7.0(SP22): Incorrect message: 0 data records transferred
1342703RSR_GEN_DIRECT_ALL_QUERIES incorrect traffic light displayed
1342525SP22:RSPC_API_CHAIN_GET_RUNS shows wrong timestamp
1342520Scroll bar appears in selection screen due to linebreaks
1342475Reloading from near-line storage performed with GROUP BY
1342255Correction: RSPC_API_CHAIN_GET_ERRORS returns duplicate msgs
1342179Correction: Generic delta loads obsolete data again
1341694BI7.0 (Support Package 22) Dump during open hub maintenance
1341421SP22:Flexibility in switching off Appl.log for RNDI update
134100470SP22: Short dump "NO_LOCK_FOUND" in program "SAPLRSENQ"
1340972Small optimization for cache: Constructor
1340922Follow-on to Note 1287382
1340823System error in program CL_RSR_OLAP_VAR and form BAD_STATE
1340461Personalization of a variable is not displayed
1340295Correction: Generic delta remains after mode reset to full
1340225Wrong user details in properties of a workbook
1339773Rounding and decimal places for AVG & STD excpn aggregations
133926970SP22: DTP filter fieldnames with infoset as source
1339215BI7.0(SP22): Check missing for initial rule
1339123BIA - Dump CREATE_DATA_UNKNOWN_TYPE when indexing
1338941SP22: Improvement to RSAR_PSA_PARTITION_CHECK
1338465P22:DTP:LOG: Performance problem when messages are added
1338416P22:DS:IPAK:SHIP: Shadow content activation DS/IPAK
1338332MDX: Fixed filter and dynamic selection of point nodes
1338216Performance Optimization MultiProvider for BO Explorer
1338076SUMXT displays incorrect values in a specific situation
1337512You cannot insert several rows in ALV planning folder
1337487HIER: Cleaning up the virtual time hierarchies
1337188Values for 1CUDIM not correctly displayed in input help (F4)
1337174BI7.0 Deleting a request loaded using RDA
1337102Aggregation authorization (colon) incorrectly displayed
1337057BI7.1(SP01) Dump when processing a transformation
1337033Correction: Server empty when scheduling in active version
1337032Correction: No CURR proposal for ASCII
1336744Incorrect data: One hierarchy in two characteristics
1336315P22: Enqueue lock is inherited to separate task/sm12 lock
1336206DataSource: Missing content mappings after replication
1336177P22:SDL:"Delete entire content" indicator saved immediately
1336064Korrektur: Short dump in execute_synchronous
1335796Attribute texts of char. nodes in hierarchy are empty
1335666Selective deletion on ORA F table with too many partitions
1335646Correction: Request turns green too soon in parallel posting
1335591P22: Slow performance deleting TESTDATRNRPART_ tables
1335587P22:PC:DTP:DTP target InfoObject not evaluated in change run
1335231DataSource: Type/release not changed in content system
1335226Elimination of internal business volume: ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY
1335071DataSource: Error message during Content activation
1334780Query metadata error due to incorrect variable handling
1334711F4 help text in transaction RRMXP is curtailed
1334093Correction: Delta with 0 records resets pointer
1333902Correction: Generated program is too large
1333896P22:DTP:PSA: Reading from PSA does not find last request
1333794Program error: ASSIGN with length 0 in program SAPLRRSV
1333676RDA: Formal corrections that are not immediately relevant
1333641Termination when executing a query on a MultiProvider
1333217P22:Performance: Deletion of request master data is too slow
1333114BI 7.0(SP22): Dump occurs when creating Content
133310470SP22: Lock error during DTP loading in extraction step
1333049P22: Performance: Index: Slow access to RSSTATMANPSAT
1333048P22:PC:DS: InfoPackage in PC can be activated if DS inactive
1333047P22: Unclear dump with inconsistency between BW and OLTP
1333046P22:SDL:Dump in dialog box for init requests on empty button
1332948Overflow for the operators SINH, COSH, and TANH
1332794RSRV:Usability:Back button in main screen is not necessary
1332759BW analysis: LOCK_CNT < 0 in table RSDRHLRUBUFFER
1332090MultiProvider Snapshot for Business Objects Explorer
1331836Incorrect Authorization in F4 for compounded info-object
1331804P22:PC:PSA:WO-DSO: Dump during PSA update of empty request
1331751Input help for virtual characteristics
1331594Message BL 209: Message not found (in main memory)
1331544P22:HINT:Slow performance when accessing RSMONFACT
1331463P22:SDL: Content activation: InfoPackage has no time stamp
1331449SMIGR_CREATE_DDL generates incorrect index
1331249Problems with non-cumulative values and selections
1331246Subsequent correction to Notes 1291158 and 1264048
1331179Correction: Deleting before AND leaves AND orphaned
1331069Correction: CHNGLOGDEL cannot be activated
1330944P22:REQUDEL:Performance:Time-consuming check too slow
1330936Data volumes between Java and ABAP too big
1330875P22:RSBATCH:DTP:Dump:Attempting to process same pkg. twice
1330791DB6: DSO activation causes short dump
1330790Correction: Start of a chain waits indefinitely
1330568Enhancements for process chain APIs (INFO/STATUS)
1330447ASSERT incorrect when RRI jump targets are activated
1330317InfoPackages for DSs missing when collecting for system copy
1330227Problems when you activate InfoObject during upgrade
1330166MD usage in DSOs not considered during deletion
1329949No ref. points when a non-cumulative InfoCube is compressed
1329869Names of the new partitions after Reapartition - Updated
1329708BI7.0(SP22): Creating w/ currency translation causes errors
1329539Correction: Dump if error DTP does not exist
1329236GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED when executing query w/ deleted key fig.
1328587Syntax error in formula (R_TRIM)
1328550Field mapping incomplete for report-report interface (RRI)
1328134Follow-on to Note 1089516
1327974Wrong data in queries of DSO 0PERS_WTE
1327958Performance: Long runtime for variable to popup
1327860Role Menu item - inconsistent query navigation state
1327741Precalculation of data may cause deadlocks in RSZELTDIR
1327202Available SAPGUI is used for RRI jump
1327172Performance problems RSDD_RSTMPLWIDTP_GEN_ALL
1327149Syntax error in class CL_RSCRT_RDA_TOOLS
1326961doubled cache entries cause query to dump
1326759Large 06 tables when there are many EXCLUDING conditions
1326657X299 BRAIN in CL_RSR, form GET_COB_PRO-
1326649Performance problem in CL_RSD_DTA ($$DEFAULT query)
1326646Characteristic values not accepted for date
1326361BPC: Changing the status of the data
1326359Exception aggregation NGA and remaining node
1326291New Master Data Deletion - Usage check in Characteristics
1326211BW change run: Repairing a terminated predecessor
132619570SP22: DTP refresh in RSA1 does'nt show latest state
1326058A125 BRAIN: Component SLUnnn already exists
1325697Correction: RSPC142 when you collect content
1325303Incorrect error handling when writing to InfoCubes
1325237Runtime problems when metadata for characteristic is changed
1325040No data or incorrect data in a specific situation
1324812Planning functions: Negative figures in statistics
1324753Excluding nodes leads to incorrect filter selections
1324576BWA: Use check sparse for all attributes
1324550BI7.0(SP21): No check for different length
1324520Correction:Runtime trace during SAPI extraction is incorrect
1323908SP22: Short dump on Viewing the Errorstack
1323532Subsequent correction of Note 1311591
1323302Error when creating ALVL with non-cumulative key figure
1323262Correction: Processes are collected as existential
1323191P21:BAPI:BAPI_IPAK_START check takes too long
1323057Program RSCDS_NULLELIM does nothing to BW aggregates
1323054Function RSDU_TABLE_DROP_EMPTYFPART_ORA deletes pkg. dim.
1323018Corr.: Performance of status determination for health check
1323015Correction: RSPC031 during transport of metachains
132253770SP21: DTP error when compress is running (Lock)
1322145BI7.0(SP21): No confirmation for parameter API
1321807SP22:Insertion through Master data maintenance incorrect
1321800Activation of DataStore without Myself
1321540P21:SDL:Non-SAP source system & conv. exit - field too long
1321520Replacement of text variable does not work as expected
1321456RSO_CTC_PREPARE_BI_SYSTEM_DWB creates Myself without user
1321326Error in program SAPLRRI2 and form EXPLAIN_BNR-01-
1321294Correction: TBTCO is deleted when you delete Myself system
1321179Integrated planning: Error measure for alpha optimization
1321091Performance: Many hierarchy nodes authorized
1320492Deletion of hanging requests in BIA
1320422IP: Additions
1320334Incorrect text display of charateristic values containing #
1320309Quantity conversion not possible
1320042P21: No entry in TS field of table RSBATCHDELDATA
1319933Correction: Deleting non-existing chains via transport
1319870Correction: Subchain cannot be repeated
131958470SP21: Previous request state incorrectly read
1318978Formula with exception aggregation loses dimension
1318968Formulas: Not enough reference data is read
1318882Entwicklertest zum Analytischen Index
1318872Wrong error messages during saving/deleting of variant
1318855Displaying negative values (sign in front)
1318776P21:SDL:RDA: Hiding package size settings
1318775P21:SDL:DS: Parallelization for flat file upload only
1318622P21:PC:RDA:SDL: Init InfoPackage green if daemon running
1318605InfoPackage: Input help with incorrect status (PERI6, PERI7)
1318438P21:DTP:PC: Change of instance when DTP in PC repaired
1318433A125 Brain: "P_S_E" has no component called "PROV"
1318423Auto repair for mand_unique_set
1318307SP21:Manual Read of records from PSA in Monitor incorrect
1318230Adjustment of messages
1318168BexAnalzyer: Crash with missing authorization for InfoCube
1317780Analyzer/Precalculation Server: administrative changes
1317728APD : Aggregation field being supported as Filter
1317683SP21:Insertion of Records in non partitioned PSA not handled
1317669Incorrect key date during currency conversion
1317485Error Handling in Consistency Check for DB Vs BIA
1317365BIA-only cube: Dump when generating the write program
1317205OIP: Enahncements in BI
1316933Variable replacement: Hierarchy node variables
1316902BI7.0(SP21) Request ID for initial data
1316668Statistics cannot be deactivated globally
1316599Automatic deletion of RDA repair process chains
1316587Arithmetic overflow in statistics
1316311Error during DSO activation of data in open RDA request
1316303BEx Web: Termination when changing hierarchy
1316290P21:REQARCH:Number of records in spool log of deletion run
1316284P21: Dump occurs in FM RSBATCH_WRITE_APPL_LOGS: Empty table
1316227Remove mandatory Flag for NAVIGATIONAL_STATE_ACCESS
1315961"No authorization" for postable hierarchy nodes
1315940Condition state not correctly set to Not Complete
1315936APD: Log display
1315879RDA loading process is not stopped (RDA_RESET)
1315785Correction: RSM37 takes a long time
1315784P21:PC:SDL: Loading proc. returns instance to process chain
1315770P21:SDL:HIER: Flat file hierarchy header and hier. selection
1315714MDX: MDX and THJ hierarchies
1315171PrecalcServer: connection problems in precalc server
1315110"Referential Integrity" setting is not migrated
1314994RSZDELETE: improved where-used list determination
1314721"Standard text" setting does not apply to all languages
1314644Corrections: No error message when generating BWREMOTE
1314628~900 Index not getting created in Dialog Mode
1314570Log entries are missing when you use the new load balancing
1314522Correction: Activating process variant generates log
1314222QDEF: Incorrect error messages from transport system
1314156P21:Manage: Poor performance dur. access to RSICSDELSTATCTRL
1313895P21:DSO: Change log deletion does not find all requests
1313458Excluding hierarchy node variables
131305170SP21: H version of Standard DTP is not up-to-date
1313033P21:BATCH:No description for DTPs in parallelism maintenance
1312850Key figures in formulas: Exception aggregation MAX/MIN
1312841SP21: Application component for export datasource
131270170SP21: Performance on view RSBKDATA_V selects
1312486BI7.0(SP21) Dump due to duplicate entries when loading data
1312362P21:SDL: Content transfer even for later DataSource version
1312339RSECADMIN - RSEC131 Characteristic does not exist
1312300BI-IP: Button group / dropdown box with buffer data
1312239P21:Manage:QM action on cube in planning mode not allowed
1312151P21:DTP:DM:Deadlock on RSBODSLOG when loading in parallel
1311796OLAP-Cache invalidated in Partitionmode > 0
1311698Installing or creating TRFN with master data LookUp
1311150variable personalise and depersonalise
1311093Enhancing the input help for 0INFOPROV (Note 1107072)
1310779MDX: Command search
1310767BYD Korrektur ... ein bisschen wie OSS 1143947 (TRY/CATCH)
1310740DataSource: PSA lost during Content transfer
1310710SP21: Changelog tables are created with wrong size category
1310504HIER: Virtual timer hierarchies and fiscal periods
1310333DataSource: D version missing after importing SHDS deletion
1310263BExAnalyzer: no context passed using RRI with structures
1310262XMESSAGE or Dump L2_01-04 in program SAPLRRK0
1310172DB6: Incorrect message text when reclustering InfoCubes
1310082P21:Manage: Unnecessary select on RSMONICDP/memory overflow
1310058Nodes are displayed as fully compounded or as #: ABAP fix
1310029Names of the new partitions after Reapartition
1310008HIER: Ancestors_Get should return root node
1309949Correction: Changing the method AFTER_IMP for RRCD and RRQD
1309742Display of unit for key figure attribute
1309619Process variants for PSA deletion cannot be saved
1309588Incorrect values during area selection for variables
1309141Incorrect data under special circumstances
1309028Text for hierarchy variables not dipslayed
1308992Subsequent corrections for Note 1156681
1308928Correction: RS_SHMP/SHIP_AFTER_IMPORT not in framework
1308924Error in the OLAP cache statistic
1308901Optimization for refresh of Variables dialog
1308779RDA: Size of BI_RDA* job logs
1308643Consistency check: Nodes that are not included in hierarchy
1308522Hierarchy node with the name ROOT_H or REST_H
130848170SP21: Full DTP with direct access to datasource flatfile
1308474Empty BW aggregates have NUM_ENTRIES > 0 in RSDDAGGRDIR
1308384Output filter DSL
1308307Query displays a number in exponential format
1308291Corrections to the message handler
1307871DTP Extraction: No Authorization when no KeyFigures
1307540CONVT_OVERFLOW during currency conversion with DSO target
1307418trace code checking OLAP cache invalidations
1307383Termination TEST_SELECTIONS-1-
1307155Large memory requirement for FM RSD_ALL_META_IOBJ_GET
1307118Statistics: Wait times in F4 counted for OLAP initialization
1307098Incorrect warning BRAIN 376
1307052New module for checking implemented functions
1306815BIA - Expected size of fact table is determined incorrectly
1306810Correction: No check for ALPHA with numeric field
1306723BI7.0(SP21) Read using API returns error (3rd party)
1306561Bucket name in uppercase; explain query terminates
1306488Hiding the TCURR and T006 entries in the input help
1306210Remote hierarchies: Performance for input help
1306091Long waiting time because of DB locks in table RSRWBINDEX
1306005Correction: Incomplete short texts in dialog box
1305724Unassigned WAs in CL_RSR_CACHE_DO_SPID
1305369Error creating aggregates on big infocubes (> 2 bio rows)
1304970Correction: Polling indicator w/ interrupt leads to deadlock
1304343BI7.10(SP08) Problems with merge (Content)
1304251Input-ready planning data disappears after you save
130423470SP21: Performance on the hashed table p_th_rsbkdata_v
1304143Runtime error TABLE_INVALID_INDEX in _SET_NCUMTIM
1303947Preparations for virtual hybrid for Release 7.02
1303852Formal Corrections (Checkman) on OLAP Cache
1303815Deadlock for parallel loading of master data
1303743Msg. BRAIN 380 duplicated (source crcy same as target crcy)
1303371Corr.: Deletion using RS_DELETE_TLOGO also w/o destination
1303202System error in program SAPLRRK0 and form FILTER_01-10-
1302991Incorrect Hierarchy display
130269170SP21: Get data request by request, source WO-DSO
1302670Preperations for Release 7.02 (embedded OHD)
1302663BIA: Snapshots for recovery no longer required
1302517Termination in program SAPLRRI2 and form LRECH_F_VAR2-03-
1302181BExAnalyzer: crash in context menu with key and text display
1301726Call of method SET_CHECK0 does not work
1301644Generation of Auths: Hierarchies with Time Depend. Structure
1301590No data for EIB with VirtualProvider
1301370P21: Enhancements for remote hybrid InfoProviders
1301365P21: Dump in RSB2_OUTBOUND_REQUESTS_GET when pulling SID
1301311Technical correction
1301216BI7.0(SP21) Notification in error scenario unexpected
1301178BIA - Optimizing the performance of metadata mass changes
1301094SP21:Error during activation of DSO in a Process Chain
1300942ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY system dump accessing a list of queries
1300921Oracle: Defragmentation of index is unsuccessful
1300895Correction: Reading variants more quickly in RSM37
1300881BEx Analyzer 3.x: Suppressing hierarchy symbols
1300757P21:SDL: Source system deletion and info message RSM1 632
1300437Hierarchy deactivated during RRI jump from a leaf
1300331BAPI DataSource: Emulation, migration with CHAR-PSA
1300255CP (*) does not work with all conversion routines
1300114System error in program CL_RSR_LFMM and form GET_FISCVARNT
1299863Correction: Access to DataSource template during emulation
129984270SP21: DTP filter cannot display unique fields names
1299791Bex Web 7.0: Improvement in deletion of personalization
1299443ASSERTION_FAILED during BI Content installation
129937170SP21: Internal error in Data Warehousing Workbench
1299342P21:REBUILD:PSA posting terminates because Qualok is too big
1299219RDA health check incident shortly after daemon assignment
1298907Statistics: User wait times assigned to incorr. handle type
1298804BIA - shortdump during indexing: COMPUTE_INT_PLUS_OVERFLOW
1298759SP21:Improvement in error message RSAODS003
1298534RRMX Autoflush interference with transaction UCMON - part 2
1298405BIA - Request deleted from BIA only
1298247P21:REQARCH: Second write job not allowed to be started
1298204MDX: DESCENDANTS w/LEAVES incorrect data + COVARIANCE + rank
1298092Correction: Chain and process not displayed in batch log
1298061Hierarchy maintenance:You cannot change version of hierarchy
1298052BI7.0(SP21): Problem when calling the transport framework
1298041Performance optimization for hierarchy access
129797770SP21: 3rd party Open Hub Destination with 2 DTPs
1297629Overflow error in transaction rsrt (rsrcache)
1297619BRAIN 299 in CL_RSDRC_MULTIPROV; form _SET_CHARET_M-01-
1297611Single rule test: Syntax check warning leads to termination
1297333Input help for date missing from "Older than" field
1297004BI7.0(21) BAPI_ODSO_READ_DATA_UC and "Only Atribute" char.
1296979Correction: BWREMOTE has no authorization for archiving
1296669System error in program CL_RSR and form GET_CHANM-01-
1296578Corr: Record no. missing when errors occur during CSV split
1296423Unassigned elements in hierarchy aggregation
1296360Unit or currency is not displayed
1296197MultiProviders with several non-cumulative providers
1296047Authorization problems with calculations %RT and SUMRT.
1295841P21:DTP:STATMAN: Filling LOGID in RSREQDONE for DTPs also
1295776P21:REQARCH:Dump X001: Error when FM <XYZ> is called
1295731Enhancements in selective deletion for request archiving
1295688Missing long texts for messages
1295348P21:DTP:WO DSO: Setting Active pointer during para. loading
1295249DB6: Error executing BI query with SUBSELECT
129519970SP21:PC:DTP: No instance when DTP processes terminate
1295190OBN on InfoSet queries does not work
1294774BI7.0(SP21) Error when you call RSB_API_OHS_DEST_SETPARAMS
1294748Bausteine zum Umschalten der Destination für ByD Upgrade
1294667BI7.1(SP08) Error in transformations with conversion
1293833Thousand separator is not displayed correctly
1293788Query Designer: some Key Figures are not available
1293742Variant for Process Type BIAINDEX not modified after Import
1293698P21:DSO: Too many requests for activation and no termination
1293444Correction: 3.x error handling when loading to WO-DSO
1293346MDX: ClosingPeriod and OpeningPeriod
1292845Problems with numeric variables (replacing them with a key)
1292834P21:PC:DTP:REQUDEL: Delta load request with full DTP update
1292792Invalid versions of a BI authorization displayed
1292612Incorrect initial value is master data read class
1292603Copying single values: Invalid combinations
1292531Exception aggregation NHA or NGA
1292354Follow-on correction for Note 1264210
1292293Query on InfoSet: Exception in AUTHORITY_02
1292280P21:BATCH: Dialog server group permitted in uppercase only
1292153P21:SDL:PC: Create request: Dump in RSSM_RSSELDONE_WRITE
1292051P21:BATCH: Performance prob. in RSBATCH_DEL_MSG_PARM_DTPTEMP
1292007Unable to maintain PC description in different languages
1291908Input help (F4) problems for values with multiple spaces
1291836Umsetzobjekt für Prozesskette 7RR... fehlt
1291700DataSource: Termination in after-import due to CTO_CHECK
1291645Transaction RRMXP does not use fully qualified hostname
129143170SP21-DTP:PC-Invaild DTP pulled when infopackage selected
1291323Inner loop index jumps.
1291107Creation of Hierarchy Auth: RSEC050 "Hier. does not exist"
1291045System error in CL_RSD_MULTIPROV and CHECK_ATRNAV-01-
1290982Restriction in Variables dialog ignored in F4 help
1290951Performance: Long runtime in RSEC_AUTHORITY_CHECK_...
1290949Dump GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED for Query on InfoSet
1290449RRMX: Auto flush with RRMX interferes with transaction UCMON
1290429MDX: Using descendants function with parameters
1289863Formula variable from key is not replaced with VRNID
1289771Error GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED during OPEN HUB extraction
1289699Attributes are not sorted in the property dialog
1289698MDX: Introducing the IsLeaf operator
1289004DB6: Avoiding lock escalations on 06 tables
1288989RSECADMIN: Texts for navigation attributes are not displayed
1288949No data after expanding node
1288883The delta part of an InfoCube delta pair is not cached
1288755Export to BEx Analyzer: Termination GET_CHANMID-02-
1288643P21:MON:Too many selects on RSMONMESS for multiple packages
1288628Development: Deleting replicated switches
1288593Problems with BW change run in a specific situation
1288583BRAIN A125: Component CUDIM does not exist
1288439Error in the CELL-SUMABLE indicator
1287843prequery inhibits OLAP cache utilization
1287841BI7.0(SP21) Impact when calling RSB_API_OHS_DEST_SETPARAMS
1287678DataSource: Replication fails without error message
1287433values with double quotes (") not filled back from F4
1287382Extending BW objects on Oracle with large tables
1287306BI query: Sporadic DB deadlocks when query is executed
128682370SP21: Switch to standard DTP clears CONTREL/CONTTIMEST
1286703Displaying customer exits in the authorization log
1286666P21:PSA:SDL: Update from PSA using the scheduler
1286388BI7.0(21): DTP extraction from DataStore without aggregation
1286324Activating 0d_NW_ BI Content objects
1286295SP21:D0313 error during PSA Maitainance for a request
1286089An exception with the type CX_SY_STRUCT_COMP_NAME occurred
1285988BIA Backup & Recovery: Do not delete replicated snapshot
1285770P21:SDL: Authorization check for update rules
1285690Obsolete entry NO_UPLOAD_<logsys> in RSADMIN
1285404BEx Web 7.0: Corrections in bookmarking functionality
1285270Unexpected message in monitor when formula error occurs
1285053DB6: Corrections to index creation of "Save Query Scenarios"
1284942CTS pop-up screen is not closed during query view save
1284672Technical queries InfoProvider/!InfoProvider are not deleted
1284664Hotfixes for new RSZDELETE
1284565The same request is rolled up several times
1284416BI7.0(SP21) Transformations deleted following after import
1284376P21:DSO:RSBODSLOG:DTP: Updating old data mart administration
1283881IP: For internal use
128379470SP21: DTP Monitor: Root node time displayed incorrectly
1283447Content objects are not indexed
1283415BEx Analyzer: argument cannot be interpreted as number
1283322Repartitioning corrupts the Indexes
1283291Runtime error in CL_RSR_RRK0_MULTIPROV_BUFR; _reorg_else
1282768Error ">> Row: 299 Inc: IF_RSDRV_VPROV_INT_QUERY~DEFINE"
1282566Errors in aggregate check program RSDDK_CHECK_AGGREGATE
1282438P21:AWB:Administration without authorization terminates DWB
1282278Correction: GET_STATUS delivers green although still active
1282206RDA requests not deleted from RSCRT_RDA_MONDAT
1282124CCMS dispatcher does not include process chains
1281935Loading process using Web service (push) too slow
1281819P21: PC: May take long time to start variant maintenance
1281574Exception aggregation of a non-cumulative key figure in MP
1281440Corr.:Chain maintenance terminates due to transport errors
128092170SP21: Internal error in Data Warehousing Workbench
1280901BIA: Reducing package size for SID tables
1280824Display master data, constant selection, expand nodes
1280620RRMX: Second instance of Analyzer not started
1280560BIA Popup fails as GUI is not available
1280486Zero suppression for pre-query is ignored
1280464Different display of query view in BW 7.0
1280317System error in CL_RSMD_RSH and _FILL_HIERNODE-03
1280180BIA - Consistency Check Center - Fast Check:"NON"
1280064Incorrect formatting for formula variables
1279893Correction: RSM37: Duration 0 for active jobs
1279805RSBBS(RRI):Node selection transferred to target when leaves
1279713P21:Dump in LRSENQF11 when loading req. w/ automatic index
1279603Variant Maintenance displays wrong process type name
1279586Deactivating RDA health check in RS_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN
1279430Structure member texts are not displayed
1279393APD: Application log error
1279117Status check of remote PC dumps (CALL_FUNCTION_OPEN_ERROR)
1279074P21:SDL:Assignment to real-time InfoPackage after transport
1278960Usability: Status change dialog box
1278869Follow-on correction for Note 1080251, EIBV
1278749Key value not displayed for hierarchy node
1278650P21:COLLISION_OBJECT=ERSMONICDP;MC601 during parallel load
1278443BI7.0(SP21) Error in InfoSource migration
1278390BI7.0(SP21) Internal error - Setting the conversion type
127826370SP21: Deactivate report for DTP content cleanup
1278220Hanging Excel processes when using transaction RRMXP
1278191Removing the incorrect flag LOOKUP
1278078Incorrect variable value is displayed after refresh
127755070SP21: DTP status remains yellow in process chain
1277481BRAIN 299 Program SAPLRRK0 in Form CHECK_NAV_INIT_BACK-02-
1277442No new data after repartitioning (SID field is empty)
1277256GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED for master data providers
1277245BW change run batch start dialog box cannot be closed
1276597RSRT technical information: Provider name is missing
1276354SP23:PSA maintenance: No Negative Key figures of type 'INT4'
1276256Universal display hierarchy and zero suppression
1275838Incorrect texts are displayed for planning sequences
1275837PrecServer: process based load distribution (ABAP part)
1275732BI 7.0 (SP21): Plus/minus sign in external format
1275544Correction: TADIR not converted by BDLS
1275491Termination MEGA_SORT_H-04- occurs for remote hierarchy
1275344Node/leaf disappears when hierarchy is collapsed
1275318Correction: Scheduled jobs deleted when you delete old logs
1275269Termination:CL_RSR_RRK0_MULTIPROV_BUFH form _GET_PROVBIT-01-
1275248Selective logging on OLAP cache activities
1275193The elimination of internal business volume does not work
1275005Context menu - Error TXT_N_MISSING change presentation (key)
1274864Process is not scheduled if job is missing
1274682BExAnalyzer: Formating of zero values in formula result
1274540Internal server error occurs when you call the input help
1274533Program RS_EURO_CONVERTER abends on DB6.
1274089Threshold "Compare size of fact tables with fact index"
1274030No error if content activation is incomplete
1273985Exceptions w/ cell restriction # are not used
1273954P21: REQARCH: Automatic archive reload for deletion request
1273843P21:SDL: F4 help for InfoPackages without text in DWB
1273663Correction:No PSADELETE/PSAPROCESS for system copy transport
127358470SP21: ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY dump in get_static_buffer method
1273509CALL_FUNCTION_RECEIVE_ERROR during service parts planning
1273484BI 7.0 (SP21): Enhancement for transformation check
127342270SP21: Where used check for REQU requests without popup
1273355DB6: Error during selective deletion
1273323Executing planning sequences: Authorization check
1273271BRAIN 643 hidden BEX Var screen while check
1273099Variant goes to chargeable node instead of leaf
1273044RDA daemon does not correct obsolete status
1273024Variable values and filter values from bookmarks are lost
1273005Correction: D version written despite errors in variant
1272927Long run-time accessing BW 7.x from SEM
1272738P21:DSO: Activation and automatic updating
127263670SP21: DTP transports after system copy
1272511Correction: Red and green cannot be joined with OR
1272338No RFC destination maintained for the BI Accelerator
1272280Variant Maintenance screen shows name of another variant
1272277Korrektur: BWREMOTE hat keine Berechtigung für CTS
1272242Verifying variables again in I_STEP = 2
1272222Double entries in hierarchy authorization maintenance
1272142SP21:Creation of PSA PARTITION TRACE
127197870SP21: DTP Debug request: Field list cannot be changed
1271976Improving runtime for planning function of type forecast
1271970Message BRAIN 313 issued at front end
1271940DB6: Compatibility RSDU_TABLE_TRUNCATE - Online Table Move
1271768Variables are not displayed in the Java Web template
1271743Zero values are treated as normal values
127173070SP21: Transport full DTP with OLAP or selection routine
1271563Follow-up optimization error for aggregation exception AVG
1271536BI7.0(SP21) Incomplete log message
1271534BI7.0(SP21) Dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X during rule maintenance
1271513Syntax error after migration of transfer rules with formulas
1271454Correction: Pseudo D version remains after deletion of SS
1271412Executing RSDDTZA_EXECUTE_BIA_ACTIONS in the background
1271409BI objects are not collected during Role transport
1271376P21:BATCH:Host/group not transported with parallelization
1271347BIA - Delete snapshot: Get Most Recent Snapshot ID - Number
127132470SP21: Error DTP text incorrect after transport
1271242MultiProvider with InfoSet and reading of current data
1270901BI7.0(SP21) Problem during activation of DSO type
1270897BI7.0(SP21): Open hub destination not deleted
1270238P21: Deleting PSA requests from the PSA administration
1269790P21:PC:No update in RSMDATASTATE_EXT for Rollup and Compress
1269088P21: RSBATCH_DEL_MSG_PARM_DTPTEMP runs for a very long time
1268571Read mode D uses up too much memory
1266885BEx Analyzer:Authorization check for changing WB description
1265068P21:PC:SID:High no. of InfoPackages started simultaneously
1263737P21: Condenser settings not transferred to all servers
1263550P21:DSO:DTP: Change log requests not updated using DTP
1262964P21:SDL:MON: Parallel inits for the same DS/SS terminate
1260567Dump GENERATE_SUBPOOL_DIR_FULL during IOBJ activation
1258535P21:SDL: Repeat request after QM action in monitor
1258465P21:PSA:DTP:PSA data flagged as updated
1257994P21:PC:DTP:PSA deletion with reference to DTP
1254898RSZC: No authorization for Restricted Key Figures
1247947P21: APIs for creating and deleting InfoAreas
1243168BI 7.0(SP21): Problem with status of an open hub destination
1241335BEx Web 7.0: Cancel in Variable Screen removes Variants
1232573EXPORT_TOO_MUCH_DATA dump when exporting data to OLAP Cache
1231089INCONSISTENCY dump in 'Generate all queries directly'
1167490Enhancement of near-line ref. implementation for enh. lookup
1167489Enhancement to near-line interface for lookups (implem.)
1154026Enhancement of near-line interface for lookups (defin.)