SAP Note 1156829 - Important SAP notes for the SAP PLM interface

Composant : CAD Function Libraries -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
Cette note SAP décrit les prérequis pour l'installation des interfaces SAP PLM, en particulier pour l'intégration avec CAD Desktop 2.0. Des Notes SAP essentielles doivent être implémentées pour résoudre des problèmes tels que les mises à jour synchrones, la personnalisation pour des noms de champs plus longs, et les changements de répertoire ou de valeurs de travail. Des Support Packages sont également nécessaires pour la compatibilité et la stabilité de l'interface. Les points saillants incluent les Notes SAP 411452, 570592, et les recommandations pour les Support Packages dans les composants EA-APPL et PLMX. L'implémentation doit suivre les mises à jour et compatibilités pour éviter les erreurs d'installation ou les problèmes d'exécution habituellement indiqués par des messages d'erreur spécifiques.

Mots Clés :
checkout_rfc/checkin_wizard/copy_and_replace ea-appl 110 sapkgpaa24ea-appl 200 sapkgpab13ea-appl 500 sapkgpac16ea-appl 600 sapkgpad09ea-appl 602 sapk-60201ineaapplplmx 46c sapk-46c10inplmx 4, cdesk_checkout_rfc / cdesk_checkin_wizard_rfc ea-appl 110 sapkgpaa26ea-appl 200 sapkgpab15ea-appl 500 sapkgpac19ea-appl 600 sapkgpad12ea-appl 602 sapk-60202ineaapplplmx 46c sapk-46c12inplmx 6, correction rfc module cdesk_checkout_wizard_rfc ea-appl 110 sapkgpaa23ea-appl 200 sapkgpab12ea-appl 500 sapkgpac13ea-appl 600 sapkgpad05plmx 46c sapk-46c08inplmx 5, checkin / checkout rfc ea-appl 110 sapkgpaa25ea-appl 200 sapkgpab14ea-appl 500 sapkgpac17ea-appl 600 sapkgpad10ea-appl 602 sapk-60201ineaappl 7, rfc modules ea-appl 110 sapkgpaa24ea-appl 200 sapkgpab13ea-appl 500 sapkgpac16ea-appl 600 sapkgpad08plmx 46c sapk-46c10inplmxif, rfc modules ea-appl 110 sapkgpaa23ea-appl 200 sapkgpab12ea-appl 500 sapkgpac13ea-appl 600 sapkgpad05plmx 46c sapk-46c09inplmx 3, ea-appl 110 sapkgpaa22ea-appl 200 sapkgpab11ea-appl 500 sapkgpac12ea-appl 600 sapkgpad05plmx 46c sapk-46c08inplmxattention, 70 200 ea-appl support package 15erp 2004 ea-appl support package 19ecc 6, 70 110 ea-appl support package 26 4, 0 ea-appl support package 12==========================================================================================================================================

Notes associées :

1654693Progress Bar indicator during Mass Checkout in SAPHTTP
1488041SAP PLM Integration for Solid Edge 6.1 - Patches
1488039SAP PLM integration to SolidWorks, CAD Desktop 6.1 - Patches
1474349Multithreaded SAPHTTP
1426984CDESK : Falsche Stücklisten bei Ablage über RFC
1412821SAP GUI for Windows: Support on Windows 7
1344808SAP PLM Interface to SolidWorks, CAD Desktop 5.1 - Patches
1075363CDESK: Mass processing for checking out
1073850CDESK: Error during "Copy and replace" with buffer
1067521CDESK: Error message 'File does not exist'
1064916CDESK: Instances (object type "I"): Explosion parameter
1058914CDESK: Error when changing/updating material BOM
1052257CDESK: Problems with buffer function
1040427CDESK: Error message from callback is lost during check in
1007438CDESK: Corrections to RFC modules
999690CDESK: Problems at explosion level and check-in
991323CDESK: Saving intermediate status and explosion level
987504CDESK: Prepopulating fields of material BOM
982311SAP PLM Integ f SolidWorks 4.9.20 32-bit/64-bit or higher
981925CDESK: Solid Edge, SolidWorks - implementation of taskpane
980308CDESK: Incorrect dialog box when copying and replacing
963823CDESK: Search module for SolidWorks & Solid Edge integration
963551Callback package for SolidWorks and Solid Edge integration
962682DocStr: 'Recurs. allowed' indicator is set too frequently
962089CSAP: DocStr: recursion check for document items
961846CDESK: Changes to work directory not transferred
945908CDESK: Originals in upper case when checking out
939656CDESK: Corrections for RFC modules
932859CDESK: SolidWorks, callback Z_GEDAS_GET_REFERENCES
928926CDESK: RFC function modules for CAD desktop
919774SAP PLM Interface to AutoCAD, CAD desktop - patches
916831CDESK: SolidWorks, configuration-specific properties
915563SAP PLM Integration for Inventor, CAD desktop - Patches
915014CDESK: SolidWorks, open, save, close files
877376CDESK: SolidWorks enhancement for Z_GEDAS_GET_USED_SW_CONFIG
871688Dunning notice reversal: Locks not reversed
866080CDESK: SolidWorks - Managing configurations
866079CDESK: SolidWorks rebuild of CAD documents
859177CDESK: Incorrect weight conversion when creating material
852548CDESK: Parameter is not read for material BOM
851235CDESK: Preassignment of search with 'Replace component'
850162RFC_CREATE_BILL_OF_MATERIAL: Incorrect update
847546SolidWorks, Solid Edge: BOM symbols (balloons)
845074Creating material and copying units and weights
844172CDESK: Corrections for exporting to cFolders and Excel
844095Delegation from sapgui.exe to SAP Logon/SAP Logon Pad
841569CDESK: SolidWorks generating and uploading PDF formats
840260CDESK: SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Preview JPG upload
837646Date messages from incompleteness procedure dissapear
835199CDESK: Checking drawings for relevance
810514Creating RFC trace for CAD integration
807242CDESK: SolidWorks - Help during troubleshooting (FAQ)
807046CDESK: Solving version conflicts before checkout assistants
803093CDESK: Performance improvement when filling the CAD view
787959Problems when you create short texts using CAD
777210Support Packages for PLMX 46C
776881SolidWorks Integration, released versions
776434CDESK: Creating a material BOM with identical materials
762581CDESK: SolidWorks, Solid Edge, execute program
756488CDESK: SolidWorks: Transfer of weight, volume, and so on
751145mySAP PLM Integration Inventor/AutoCAD:Help desk/inquiry
732402CDESK:SolidWorks transfer change number + change workdir
721625SolidWorks: Callback Z_GEDAS_C_DESK_SET_CAD_DATA
698213CDESK: Performance for callback CDESK_UPDATE_FILE_INFO
696250CDESK: SolidWorks, determining used model configurations
696246CDESK: of CAD models
679005CDESK: Error during check-in: document has no BOM
675883CDESK: incorrect orginal/workstation application
659870CDESK: Material BOM, delta w/ new line item numbers
659823CDESK: Workstation application 'IDV' (Inventor integration)
659270CDESK: "Document List" view, "Material"/"Mat.BOM" buttons
651532CDESK: Additional originals, path w/ "In process"
642848CDESK: SolidWorks, renaming files when creating documents
627580CDESK: FAQs for the CAD desktop 2.x
626770CDESK: Mount points result in incorrect path
606491CDESK: CAD desktop 2.x - availability and prerequisites
601085CDESK: Create DIS for unstored file without file name
600576CDESK: BAdI, report change of the change number to CAD
600409CDESK: CDESK_GET_CUST_VALUES, overwrite fixed values CAD
600276CDESK: CAD desktop 2.0: Longer field names in Customizing
598317CDESK: describe CAD-desktop problems (task list)
596274CDESK: Automatic storage of originals during status change
571942The material number is longer than the length set
570592CDESK: BAdI, report the change of the work directory to CAD
555812CDESK: CAD desktop: Required authorizations
515873CAD: Information on availability of CAD interfaces
505891BAPI: Storage of files via HTTP or FTP
486615CAD (Dialog RFC): Creating material BOM
444405CAD: The material number is longer than the length set
432881Alternative RFC destinations for SAPFTP and SAPHTTP
411452CAD Dialog-RFC: Synchronous update
401467CAD: doubling the document BOM items
367010New sessions under Win2000/Win98 and higher Windows versions