SAP Note 115423 - Information: KD561 with debit type 0 for settlement

Composant : Period-end Closing -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
Settlement attempts involving a sender with revenues (such as an internal order or billing component) may trigger the error KD561, stating "Settlement to receiver type & not allowed," often due to improper handling of de debit type. The associated cause is identified as a program error which incorrectly displays an error message rather than a warning. Implement SAP Notes outlined (ranging from 3.0C to 4.0B versions) to correct this, including changes to ensure that messages pertaining to revenue settlements are warnings rather than errors, thereby allowing better management of cost elements during settlement processes.

Mots Clés :
applicatn area  msgno   allowed    standard   switch offkd              575    iwe, transaction se91 create message kd575, system displays error message kd561, additional key words ko88, synonymous error message kd250, table t100s enter entry, displays warning message kd575, error message kd561, message kd561 change, make separate settlements

Notes associées :

398631INFO: CO-PC-OBJ (settlement)
397799INFORMATION: CO-OM-OPA (Order & Project Accounting)
364427Settlement of costing to billing elements
332693Internal order: set 'Revenue postings' indicator