SAP Note 1151368 - CONSULT: Cambios en la LOPD tras el HR SP ES25

Composant : Spain - Spain

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
table t5el4 table t5el6mandt mandtstruc strucfield fieldendda endda contextfiper fiperfipid fipidbegda begda descrthe context field, mandt clientstruc pxxxxfield dddddendda start datecontext zpxxxfiper fipid begda 1011800descr access, mandt clientstruc pxxxxfield dddddendda start datecontext fiper fipid begda 1011800descr access, t5el4mandt struc      field   endda       begda     fiper fipid ficid 0   p0004      sbgru   31, struc field endda    context begda p0004 sbgru 31, high-level data access recordthe access data, 1900 fiper fipid descr degree, support package hr sp es25, considered high-level fiper, rejected access attempt 'n'

Notes associées :

1576799EHSM Incident Management non compliance to ROYAL DECREE 994
1101223CONSULT.: LOPD - Reuse of Functions for Qualifications-Exit
970142Adjustments in EH&S data logging
848119CONSULT: Cambios en la LOPD tras el HR SP ES25