SAP Note 1081758 - FAQ: Budget Check/Display

Composant : Budget -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
La note SAP aborde les problèmes liés aux erreurs de vérification de budget dans SRM, détaillant la synchronisation entre les processus SRM en temps réel et back-end asynchrones basés sur les montants nets. Elle décrit comment les vérifications de budget sont effectuées lors des opérations de commande d'achat et les conditions sous lesquelles les erreurs pourraient sembler injustifiées en raison de configurations erronées ou d'incohérences dans les engagements d'articles de service en back-end. Plusieurs paramètres spécifiques au back-end, tels que les tolérances budgétaires et les configurations du secteur public, impactent le processus de vérification. Les solutions incluent la désactivation temporaire des contrôles de budget, l'ajustement des tolérances budgétaires du back-end, et en assurant que les catégories d'imputation comptable dans les écritures financières s'alignent correctement pour l'affichage du budget. Les cas urgents peuvent nécessiter l'ajustement des contrôles directement dans les environnements de production.

Mots Clés :
temporarily increase/create/change backend img budget tolerances, component srm-ebp-ca-bud, budget carrying object/accounting field, temporarily increase budget amounts, carrying backend budget object, dialog backend remote access, temporarily deactivate budget check, leading account assignment category, budget check errors missing, budget check/display problems

Notes associées :

1629736Follow-on Note of Note 1290496, unexpected budget error
1626766Follow-on Note of Note 1554753, E RW602 unexpected
1600194Backend check for local PO created automatically from SC
1557793Classic Scenario: unexpected budget error for SC with PR
1554753Follow-on Note of Note 1423384
1532773CJBN: Incorr. assgd value after reconstructing avail.control
1529649Factory Calendar expires 2010
1507262FAQ: Budget check return missing
1456714Budget check error messages are not cleared properly
1430862PO online validation throws unjustified backend errors
1428252BBP_ACC_PO_CHECK_47A: Availablity check error on changing PO
1423384AVC on PO which has an invoice issues budget errors
1420214Budget Availability Check, PO Change Versn: Issue w Invoices
1399597Error in PO creation from SOCO due to insufficient budget
1322996Budget check is not executed when PO is held or in approval
1290496Budget message control does not work as expected
1243577Budget check error BP629
1163276Side effect of note 1145840
1159540Follow-on Note of Note 1078243
1154122BBP_POC : Backend Data validation from SRM
1147338Service PO: unjustified budget error as of delivery end date
1147337KO31/CJBN ignores following fiscal year without budget
1137010SRM PO budget check: Including follow-on documents
1128464FAQ: Commitments
1107115FAQ: RZ20 Alert Monitor Budget Error
1079946Error in availability control in object currency
1074410Missing budget display in SRM shopping cart when using GNJHR
1074154Budget Exceeded in Limit Carts with Multiple Currencies
1068860Extended classic:Budget check errors on trying to change PO
1062652Error message for information (SY-MSGTY = I)
1042888Avail ctrl in obj crcy: Unauth err msg/incorr allotted fund
1008235No commitment carried forward for commitment value zero
939561Budgeting: Unjustified errors for valuated project stock
939536Budget availability check even though the PO is not changed
938067Availblty control error despite carried forward commitment
926322Unjustified error in budget check
919378Duplicate commitment for purchase orders from SRM
918796How to correct the wrong commitment updating posted by SRM
909147Incorr error msg/dump with purchase order for requisitions
898085Notes 845236, 879588: Technical change
885325Duplicate commitment with purchase orders from SRM system
879588Error mess when you create purchase order for purchase req
850517Incorr assgd val after technically completed order/network
828231Commitments and SRM
815354Incorrect values in the budget overview
802023Budget check for external requirements
792755Double commitment for purchase orders from the SRM
791398Double commitments with purchase orders from SRM
783161Availability control check only if assigned value increases
762176No commitment update in extended classic scenario
733733No commitment reduction despite final invoice indicator
639903Multicurrency-availability in budget display
634298FAQ: Commitment update in the service
602769Availability control checks despite deactivation
520717Budget check in EBP