SAP Note 1045501 - Integration of CTS+ in Change Request Management

Composant : Change Request Management -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
This SAP Note addresses the use of Change Request Management (ChaRM) for administering software distribution for non-ABAP systems using CTS+. The document highlights the necessity of client-independent transport routes in non-ABAP landscapes unlike ABAP systems that require client-dependent routes. This is elaborated with landscape configurations and recommendations using SAP Solution Manager systems, where SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EhP1 onwards simplifies the management of such environments. It also discusses isolation in TMS communication systems for these landscapes and suggests specific notes for implementation enhancements, providing detailed guidance for managing CTS+ landscapes effectively.

Mots Clés :
/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/10456aac-44f7-2a10-1fbe-8b7bcd7bcd58recommendated notes, -abap system landscapes require client-independent transport routes, impacting existing client dependent transport routes, define client independent transport routes, requires client dependent transport routes, client-independent transport routes defined, client dependent transport routes defined, logical tms communication system handles, client independent transport routes, client-dependent transport routes

Notes associées :

1398058Register non-ABAP transport requests to ChaRM
1398057Transport attribute SAP_TMWFLOW for non-ABAP requests
1356771Complete maintenance cycle with non-ABAP systems
1266133CommunicationData-Address (no URL):'null' error
1054264Task list creation is terminated for non-ABAP systems in XI
1018383SMSY: Enhancement for OTO
1003674Enhancement for non-ABAP systems in CTS