Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
Mots Clés :
call function 'enqueue_ez_oiucw_run' exporting mode_oiucw_run_parms = 'e' mandt = sy-mandt run_id = i_run_parms-run_id run_date = i_run_parms-run_date x_run_id = ' ' x_run_date = ' ' _scope = '2' _wait = ' ' _collect = ' ' exceptions foreign_lock = 1 system_failure = 2, call function 'dequeue_ez_oiucw_run' exporting mode_oiucw_run_parms = 'e' mandt = sy-mandt run_id = i_run_parms-run_id run_date = i_run_parms-run_date, authority-check object 'o_oiu_txn' id 'oiu_tcode' field c_tcode id 'actvt' field '16' id 'actvt' dummy, task exporting run_mode = run_mode i_run_parms = run_parms exceptions communication_failure = 1 message message_failure system_failure = 2 message message_failure resource_failure = 3 failure = 4, call function 'spbt_find_free_server' exporting rfc_function_module = rfc_function_module importing server_name = free_server exceptions all_servers_are_busy = 1 pbt_env_not_initialized_yet = 2 internal_error = 3, initialize_parallel_processing &--------------------------------------------------------------------- & form spbt_parallel_processing &--------------------------------------------------------------------- text ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->p_default_group text -->p_rfc_function text <--p_server_name text <--p_retcode text ---------------------------------------------------------------------- form spbt_parallel_processing, group importing max_pbt_wps = p_max_pbt_wps free_pbt_wps = p_free_pbt_wps exceptions invalid_group_name = 1 internal_error = 2 pbt_env_already_initialized = 3 currently_no_resources_avail = 4 no_pbt_resources_found = 5 cant_init_different_pbt_groups = 6, function 'z_rfc_oiucw_paymentrun_main' importing e_run_parms = run_parms exceptions resource_failure = 1 communication_failure = 2 message message_failure system_failure = 3 message message_failure, call function 'oiucw_paymentrun_main' exporting run_mode = run_mode changing run_parms = i_run_parms exceptions failure = 1 error_message = 4, ' titel = 'payment run parallization option' defaultoption = 'y' importing answer = my_answer exceptions
Notes associées :
386508 | Information: Use of the automatic parallel processing |
74141 | Resource Management for tRFC and aRFC |