Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
Résumé :
In the provided SAP Note, the functionality and relationship of 0REQID variables to the ACTUALDATA query property are examined. The note clarifies that with SAP Release 7.x, ACTUALDATA properties have replaced certain 0REQID variables from Release 3.X for enhanced flexibility and general use. Specifically, 0S_RQTRA, 0S_RQMRC, and REQ_ALL correspond to ACTUALDATA settings of '1', '3', and '9' respectively. ACTUALDATA = '3' offers a more complete read of the data, including all green requests even following a red request, thereby providing a more accurate dataset. Additionally, while ACTUALDATA = '9' suits technical control queries and disables the OLAP cache, it mirrors transaction LISTCUBE functionality. The note also mentions that existing variables will still be supported but advises transitioning to ACTUALDATA. Future improvements might include the integration of the RSRT property screen in the Query Designer.
Mots Clés :
technical control queries, rsrt property screen, delta cache procedure, remaining part provider, outstanding green requests, olap cache object, reads green requests, flexible actualdata property, actualdata query property, green requests
Notes associées :
1136163 | The query settings in RSRT -> Attributes |
1007723 | Error with ACTUALDATA or variable 0RS_RQALL |
955990 | BI in SAP NetWeaver 7.0: Incompatibilities with SAP BW 3.x |
914305 | SAPBINews NetWeaver 7.0 BI Support Package 11 |