Message SAP XW244 - With an index for data segment &1, the view could be optimized

None of the attributes of the join conditions that link the segmentswere found in an index for data segment &V1&. The view query could beoptimized by creating an index for this data segment using one of thejoin fields. When an index is not present, the data is located via adata segment scan.
For large data segments, an index could improve the performance of thequery. To aid in the efficiency of the index, it is recommended thatthe most discriminating field be chosen. For small data segments, suchas small master data segments, an index is not necessary oradvantageous. A data segment scan through a small number of records issufficiently efficient. Thus, it does not warrant the overhead cost ofthe creation of an index. The data set size for the segment should beused as the determining factor: an index aided query for large datasets, a data segment scan for small data sets.
A related topic is the Maximum Buffer Query size.

System Response
Not applicable.

In the configuration, set up an index on data segment &V1& using one ofthe fields listed in the join conditions. Reminder: Using the mostdiscriminating field has the greatest benefit.
The path is Configuration -> Data_segments. In changemode, select the data segment &V1&. In the pop-up dialog box, enter inthe 'Index fields' area the chosen field for the join condition. Thiswill configure an index on the segment &V1& using the chosen field forfuture or rebuilt extractions.
To rebuild an extract which will re-configure the segments using thenew index, choose the path is Utilities -> Rebuild datafile .