Message SAP XW220 - Checksum is invalid for segment "&1"

The data checksum for segment &V1& is invalid. This can have thefollowing causes:

  • The data in the extract file has been altered after the file was
  • written.
    • If the source data is in Unicode, but the extract is written in
    • non-Unicode format, a character format conversion takes placeautomatically when writing a record to the extract file. The checksum iscalculated before this conversion, and as a result there will be achecksum error if there is any character whose representation changes asan effect of the conversion.
      Note: If the source data is in UTF-8 format, a subset of common ASCIIcharacters is represented identically in ASCII and UTF 8. If the dataconsists of only such characters, then there will be no checksum errors.Unicode characters that cannot be converted to an equivalent ASCIIcharacters are converted to "#".


      • If the current extract is a copy of an original extract, use the
      • original data. If the extract was retrieved from the archive, retrievethe extract again.
        You can check the extract integrity with program RTXWCHK3(execute program).
        • In the extract configuration you can set up DART to
        • write extracts in Unicode. This will avoid any data conversions.

          Technical information
          The technical segment structure name is &V2&.
          Original checksum,, &V3&
          Checksum from extract file,,&V4&