Message SAP XU052 - Changed conversion factor leads to value with too many decimal places

You have entered a quantity both in alternative units of measure and instockkeeping units for a material with product units. The system couldnot calculate an exact conversion factor between stockkeeping unit andalternative unit of measure.

System Response
The system calculates a conversion factor that can be representedexactly. The system recalculates the quantities using this factor. Theresultant quantities had too many places after the decimal point.

Check the recalculated quantities.
If you do not want to transfer these values, enter the conversionfactor between the alternative unit of measure and the stockkeepingunit in the batch classification. To do this, evaluate thecharacteristic for the alternative unit of measure.
You can also overwrite the suggested quantities again.
Then, check whether your new entry is also transferred.

964608COR1: Incorrect conversion between order header units