Message SAP XS137 - MIME version does not exist

The function you have selected cannot be executed, as there is no MIMEversion of the current document.

To save space, the MIME versions of incoming and outgoing messages arenormally not stored on the database.
If you want to view the MIME version for analysis purposes, make surethat it is stored persistently when sending or receiving. You can dothis by choosing Utilities -> MIME Settings or by running Report RSCONN
06. The function can only be used for documents that it was activatedfor at the time of sending or receipt.
For outgoing messages, the MIME version is not created until during thesend process. There is generally no MIME version for pending messages.This does not apply for outgoing DSN.
If this message appears when you are trying to display the MIME versionof status notifications for incoming messages, this might indicate thatthe send status in question could not be created due to this not beingrequested. In this case, there is no MIME version either.

Procedure for System Administration
All stored MIME versions are deleted during reorganization of the sendrequests.