Message SAP WXP565 - Infocube &3 does not contain planning scenario field &2

You want to use infocube &V3& to procure actual data. Two preconditionsmust be fulfilled before actual data for a particular periodicity canbe updated to the database table for your planning step:

  • All the characteristic fields used for planning this periodicity must
  • be defined in the relevant infocube.
    • Key figures(for example, business volume) refer to units or currencies
    • (for example, US dollar). This link must be reflected in the infocubefields:
      If an infocube field is entered for a planning scenario key field, andthe infocube in question contains it, the following is valid: Theinfocube must contain the infocube field that was entered for the unit/ currency field that represents the reference field for the key figurefield in question.
      This is not valid for field &V1& to which infocube field &V2& isassigned. Infocube &V3& does not contain infocube field &V2&.

      Adjust your planning levels and assignments or extend the infocube toinclude field &V2&.