Message SAP WXP310 - Text table &1 is not active or no entries are maintained

The program attempted to read data from text table &V1& to definedescriptions for customer-specific characteristic features. This tabledoes not exist as an active version or no entries have been maintained.

System Response
No descriptions for characteristic &V2& are displayed.

Text table &V1& must be created, activated, and filled by systemadministration.

Procedure for System Administration
If text table &V1& has not been entered yet, create the relevant tablein the SAP dictionary. You can use table TWISPS_TXT_TEMP as a template.Note the following procedures:
Field "TEXT" must exist in the data part of the text table and have thedata type "CHAR".
If you want to maintain language-dependent entries, copy field "SPRAS"into the key for your text table simultaneously.
Copy your own characteristic (or other required characteristic) intothe key for your text table. Always use data element "KPP_VALUE" as areference for the data type.
Activate your table and maintain the required entries.