Diagnosis You have selected the function enhancement "Material Planning" forplanning layout &V2& (planning step &V1&). By selecting classificationsystem characteristic &V3&, you have also specified that specialfunctions (for example, the direct assignment of characteristic valuesto a new material) are available for this characteristic withinmaterial planning. The classification system characteristic specified does not necessarilyhave to be in the same planning step to be able to use these specialfunctions. However, there must be a planning step in the planningscenario that contains the material and the classification systemcharacteristic entered. This is not the case for the characteristicentered. System Response The planning scenario cannot be activated. Procedure You have the following options:
- Deactivate the planning enhancement "Material Planning" in the detail
screen of the planning layout &V2&.
- Do not specify a classification system characteristic for the planning
layout. Material planning is still possible, however in a somewhatlimited form.
- Reorganize your planning hierarchy so that the material and the
planning level &V3& are on the same path in the planning hierarchy. Finally, recheck the planning scenario.