Message SAP WV188 - No cond. table has been maintained for plant prices for condition type &1

In order to calculate prices for plants, you enter in Customizing thecondition table which is used to create plant-specific purchase orsales prices, depending on the calculation schema used. However, thesystem could not find an appropriate entry in the Customizing table forthe key for the current item, calculation schema &V2&, applicationV3, condition type v1 and pricing level 02 (plant). you must alwaysspecify a condition table for the sales price; if prices are to beactivated in promotion processing, you must also specify a basicpurchase price.

System Response
If a required entry is not supplied, prices cannot be calculated forthe plant in the current distribution chain.
If you are calculating prices for plant groups and the reference plantis configured wrongly in Customizing, the sales prices or otherconditions will not be updated.
If there is no entry for the purchase price, no update is possible. Ifprices are being calculated for plant groups, this will apply to allthe plants that belong to the distribution chain of the referenceplant.

Check your Customizing settings.
If necessary, enter the condition table for the aforementioned key inCustomizing for Control sales pricecalculation. Ensure that the table is suitable for creatingplant-specific prices, and that the condition table is included in theaccess sequence for condition type &V1&.
Alternatively, check that the calculation schema and the condition typeare correct. Ensure that default pricing type 0001 is used to determinethe calculation schema for distribution chains which are not assigned apricing type in Customizing.