Message SAP WRMA_BCT_1204 - Field mapping for BW field &1 in transformation &3 is incorrect

An incorrect value update was found in the transformation &V3& for theBW target field &V1&. For this reason, the BW field contains noinformation and will be processed as empty by the system in thefollowing RMA data flow.

System Response
If the BW field &V1& is not supplied by the correct source field &V2&,system terminations and/or incorrect results may occur in the subsequentRMA process.

Manually create the correct field mapping for the BW target field in thetransformation.
Carry out the following steps:
Call up transaction RSTRANGUI.
Enter the ID for transformation &V3&.
Choose Execute.
To adjust the transformation, switch to the Change Mode (via Display<> Change).
Select the BW target field &V1& on the right-hand side of thetransformation.
In the Context Menu (right mouse button), choose Rule Details andassign the corresponding source field (&V2&) to the target field (&V1&).
Choose &V2& as the source field and specify the rule type DirectAssignment.
Choose Transfer Values. The system copies the changes to thetransformation.
Save your entries.
Choose Transformation -> Activate.