Message SAP WRF_PCM086 - Catalog &, item &, valid from &; several material numbers exist for EAN

During the processing of catalog items, the system uses the itemnumber (EAN) to check whether a material number already exists for thisitem at material master level. If the system does not find a materialnumber for the EAN, it creates the new item accordingly. If itdetermines a single material number for the EAN, it assigns thismaterial number to the item to be processed within the update process.It does not create this as a new item, because it already exists atmaterial master data. The item is posted as a change.
If the sysetm determines several material numbers for one item (EAN),processing is terminated, because a unique material number could not bedetermined for the EAN.

System Response
The system terminates processing for the relevant PRICAT item and entersan error message in the application log.