Message SAP WP615 - GR for PO &: remaining quantity not sufficient

The system was unable to post the goods receipt for the purchase ordersince the remaining quantity (open purchase order quantity includingoverdelivery tolerances) is too small.


  • A goods receipt was already posted for the purchase order:

  • Delete goods receipt item (press F6 to not post GR).
    • Post a goods receipt for another purchase order:

    • Select purchase orders (Shift+F6 to find purchase orders).
      • Post a goods receipt for a PO created subsequently.

      • Create PO + GR (Press F8 to create PO/GR).
        • Split goods receipt:

        • 1. Post GR with open purchase order quantity.
          2. Create a PO in the background for the remaining quantity and postthe remaining goods receipt (Press Shift+F1 to split/create GR).