Message SAP WP3ROLES044 - Long object name missing

The Enterprise Portal has transferred a portal role name or a servicename that pretends to use a long role name, but the long name data aremissing.

System Response
For portal role names there are no functional limitations, as theportal role name has no direct influence on the operations on thisrole.
If this error occurs for a service name, this service will ignored whencreating or updating an authorization role, because incorrect datacould be created.

Contact your system administrator.

Procedure for System Administration
This is the result of an inconsistency within the data transferred fromthe Enterprise Portal.
The database tables WP3ROLEDEF/WP3ROLEUSRH/WP3ROLESRV contain entriesfor a long object with key &V1& &V2& &V3& which has no entries in tableWP3ROLEDEFLONG/WP3ROLEUSRHLONG/WP3ROLESRVLONG.