Message SAP WP3ROLES018 - Cannot include object &1 &2 &3 in transport request

An operation requires the inclusion of object &V1& &V2& &V3& in atransport request to ensure consistent data through the transport forauthorization roles.
This object has not been included.

System Response
Depending on the operation, either nothing has been done or theoperation has been executed but not completely transported (this occurswhen new authorization roles are created, for example).
The original message issued by the transport interface is also includedin the message log and can give further hints regarding the cause ofthe problem.

As the required transport entries have not been created or areincomplete, you should not release transport request &V4& in itscurrent state because this could lead to inconsistent data in thetarget systems.
After clarifying the problem, manually transport the entry in thistransaction.