Message SAP WL849 - Work item &: User & does not have authorization for this function

User &V2& cannot carry out the requested activity on the specified workitem as they do not have the appropriate authorization. The followingactivity was carried out:
Activity: ,,,,,,<(>&<)>V3<(>&<)>
Name of activity:,,<(>&<)>V4<(>&<)>

System Response
The action was terminated and the work item remains unchanged.

Only execute actions for which you have authorization.
If necessary, contact your workflow system administrator formaintenance of authorizations.
The authorizations required can be maintained via theauthorization object S_WF_WI 'Workflow: Handlingwork items'. Several authorizations are available. See thedocumentation on the data element SWW_ACTVT as wellas the fixed values for the domain of the same name.