Message SAP WL433 - Workflow no. & cancel step &: Exception '&' at cancelation of work item &

When trying to cancel work item number <(>&<)>4, the error or exception<(>&<)>3 occurred.

System Response
The work item specified above was not cancelled by the Cancel command.The workflow continues to run. If there are other work items for theworkflow step <(>&<)>, they are cancelled.

Depending on the exception, the following actions are required:
The work item is currently in a processing state in which it cannot becancelled. Inform the current agent or responsible workflow systemadministrator about the situation and, if necessary, have the work itemconcerned cancelled manually.
When the work item was cancelled, notification of an agent failed.Determine who the agent is and notify him/her, for example by e-mail.
Internal error 'Unknown WI status': Inform SAP.
A required database change when the work item was cancelled failed:Repeat cancellation by hand.