Message SAP 00077 - Input field contains prohibited characters. (Already replaced)

The input field contains prohibited character formats. In general,these are character formats that your frontend may be able to process.However, they are not allowed in the R/3 database.
There can be several reasons for this:
ISO, Microsoft, IBM, Apple and so on often have a similar number ofcharacter formats for a particular language set, but rarely the samenumber. You can often enter and display more character formats thanthere are included in the ISO character sets.
If you are using a frontend that is installed for a different languageset than the R/3 system which you have logged onto, then there areseveral character formats on your keyboard that you cannot use.

System Response
The R/3 System replaces the prohibited character formats with other,permitted character formats and outputs this error message (00.777).The system places the cursor in the line or the field where theprohibited character format is located.

If you agree with the proposal, re-select the last function key usedthis is often [Enter]).
If you do not agree with the proposal, change the data. Only usepermitted character formats, otherwise you will receive the same errormessage again.
If the required texts cannot be displayed with the character formatspermitted on your front-end, terminate the current transaction asappropriate (by choosing the [Escape] key or [F12]).
There may be another front-end that can process the character formatsrequired.