Message SAP /SCMB/DOCFLOW046 - &1: Structure name is deleted but table &2 is not empty

For category &V1& the structure name is deleted from the Customizing
record but the table generated with this structure (&V2&) is not empty.

Check if you need the content of the table &V2&.
If you do, look for the structure name in the table /SCMB/DF_D_TYPEB
then run /SCMB/DF_CUST again and fill the structure name with that
structure name for category &V1&.
If you do not need the entries of table &V2& any more then delete them
from table &V2& maually and run the report /SCMB/FLOW_CUST_CHECK in
order to update the Customizing (remove the table name from the
Customizing record).