Message SAP /SAPSLL/PLUGINR3817 - No material selected; see long text

There are no materials that qualify for an initial transfer of duty-paidstock to SAP GTS.
The following are possible reasons for this:
The intial transfer of duty-paid stock has already been performed forthe materials concerned
The bonded warehouse attributes of the respective SAP GTS product masterhave not been distributed to SAP R/3

Select the "Log Material Stocks Already Transferred" parameter on theselection screen of this report to identify initial transfers that havealready been performed.
If an initial transfer has not yet been performed, check the SAP GTSproduct master to see whether bonded warehouse attributes are entered.Then start the distribution of bonded warehouse attributes from the SAPGTS product master to the feeder systems. Once these have beensuccessfully distributed, perform the intial transfer of duty-paidstock.