Message SAP /SAPPCE/DPCM1243 - Tax code has changed from &1 to &2 since the last invoice

The tax code &V2& as specified in the contract has been changed. Sincepostings have already been made with the previous tax code &V1& in thisdown payment chain, a report must be started to change the tax rate.

System Response
You cannot make any more postings in this down payment chain until thetax rate change report has been started.

Specify the previous tax code &V1& in the contract of the down paymentchain.
For a credit-side down payment chain, start the report Cred. DPChains - Tax Rate Change (transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX01_C).
For a debit-side down payment chain, start the report Deb. DP Chains- Tax Rate Change (transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX01_D).