Message SAP /SAPHT/DRM01147 - Ignore this short text. Long text of this message is used in analysis.

,,How to interpret the data shown on this screen:
There are 2 levels in the overview tree shown on the left hand side:staging document no and logical key.
Logical key is the search key used by the system to search for possibleDRM lots to identify the reference lot. For the processing of a stagingdocument, many logical keys could be used and they are listed in theoverview tree.
The upper right-hand side of the screen shows information based on thelevel of the overview tree that you have marked:
At the staging document level you see the overall processinginformation.
At the logical key level you see the logical key fields and theirrespective values.
The middle right-hand side of the screen shows information based on thelevel of the overview tree that you have marked:
At the staging document level you see all the DRM lots that resultedfrom the search using all the logical keys. Also shown are theavailable quantities, price protection price and whether the lot wasused as reference lot.
At the logical key level you see all the DRM lots that resulted fromthe search using the logical key. Also shown are the availablequantities, price protectable price and whether the lot was used asreference lot.
The message on the selected element is looked at in more detail in thispart of the screen.