Diagnosis Element &v2& in scale axis &v1& is smaller than its predecessor. This isnot permitted as the scale axis in a scale has to comprise of values inascending order, for example: from 10 PCS, from 15 PCS, from 20 PCS but not from 10 PCS, from 20 PCS, from 15 PCS and also not from 10 PCS, from 15 PCS, from 15 PCS, from 20 PCS. Each element must always be greater than its predecessor. It is onlypossible in this way to determine the correct scale level later. System Response The selected action cannot be executed. The scale axis cannot be saved. Procedure Enter a correct scale axis. If the scale axis is sorted in ascending order, inform your systemadministrator. Procedure for System Administration Inform your responsible support organization. |