Message SAP /SAPCND/MAINTENANCE749 - No scale level for scale &1 has boundary value &2

None of the scale levels in scale axis &v1& have the boundary value &v2&
Each scale has a boundary value. Whenever a scale is created that uses aspecific scale, its boundary value has to also exist as a scale level.The boundary value depends on the scale type and scale base type. Inbase scales, the boundary value is the smallest possible value in thescale axis (usually O, except when dates or postal codes are used). Into-scales and interval scales, on the other hand, it is the largestpossible value, for example 99999,99 in an amount, or 99678 for Germanpostal codes.
For the scale axis currently being checked, the scale level amounts toV3, and the scale base type v4.

System Response
The scale axis, and the scales, as well as corresponding conditionrecord are inconsistent, and cannot be saved. Further checks will nottake place. The condition record is not transferred to the sessionworking set.


Inform your system administrator.

Transfer a scale axis that contains a boundary value.

Procedure for System Administration
Contact your responsible support organization.