Message SAP /SAPCND/MAINTENANCE440 - Navigation to this condition record is not possible

The condition record to which the error entry refers is not in the workarea.

System Response
Navigation is not possible.
If this is an example of a validity period overlap error, the errorusually lies in the fact that the environment in which the work area isconnected with condition records, does not display this record. Recordsthat are relevant for display are specified for the work area by anexplicit user entry or by implicit selection.
Example: Display all condition records for a campaign in the work areaby implicitly selecting these records in the maintenance of thecampaign. There is an overlap of one of these records with the recordsfrom another campaign, and overlap messages for records from bothcampaigns are displayed in the log. However, it is not possible tonavigate to the records of the other campaign.

If you are of the opinion that the condition record to which the errorrefers is definitely in the work area, contact your responsible supportorganization.