Message SAP /SAPCND/GENERATOR501 - Global system parameter &1 does not exist

The global system parameter &v1& does not exist.
The condition technique has global system parameters, with which it canbe configurated. These include parameters delivered by SAP that cannotbe maintained by the customer as well as those that must be set up bythe customer. These include, for example, the time zone in which thecondition technique master data should be saved in the database.

Procedure for System Administration
The parameters themselves do not exist in the table /SAPCND/CONFIG or/SAPCND/CONFIGCC. The latter table is a client-dependent Customizingtable. If the entry in the table /SAPCND/CONFIG is missing and in notin client 000 in the table /SAPCND/CONFIGCC, inform the responsiblesupport organization. Otherwise transport the entry to the appropriateclient for the table /SAPCND/CONFIGCC. Afterwards its value can beadjusted to meet your requirements. You should never change entries inthe table /SAPCND/CONFIG or /SAPCND/CONFIGCC in client 000.