Message SAP /SAPCND/GENERATOR141 - The access structure &1 could not be written into DDIC.

Access structure &v1& could not be written into the DDIC.
An access structure is a normal structure. It needs to fulfill minimalrequirements in its consistency in order to be created in the DDIC.There is probably an error in the field catalog definition or in theprogram.
An access sequence is generated for each registered application. Itcontains all fields that are required when searching for conditionrecords in this application and in subordinate applications. Unlike thecomplete communication structure, that is transferred externally whencalled, the access structure is used internally in order to carry outthe search efficiently. Here, constant, and mostly constant searchfields are grouped in one structure. If nothing is found for thecombination of contents of such fields, probably nothing will be foundin a second access with different contents of variable search fields.The search can thus be interrupted already successfully.

System Response
Access structure &v1& is not transferred to the DDIC. Activation is notpossible later as the structure does not exist in the DDIC.

Inform your system administrator.

Procedure for System Administration
If the error occurred after you included a new field in the fieldcatalog, check the field catalog for consistency. Otherwise inform yourresponsible support organization.