Message SAP /SAPCND/GENERATOR027 - Customizing error: Field &1 is not defined in application &2.

Customizing error: Field &1 is not defined in application &2 .
Each field included in the condition record as a search or result fieldmust be available in the central field catalog and must be registeredfor the relevant application. This is not the case for field &1.

Use transaction /SAPCND/CTFC to check whether field &1 is used forapplication &2 in the field catalog. If this is the case, there isprobably a program error. Contact the support organization responsible.
If the field is not available in the field catalog and this is aspecially created field, you should include the field in the catalog.Then it is available everywhere for the condition technique.
If the field is not available in the field catalog and it is not aspecially created field, there has probably been a transport error.Check the transport logs for object R3TR TDAT /SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING.
If you do not find a corresponding entry under /SAPCND/T681FF and/SAPCND/T681FA, see the relevant support organization.

Procedure for System Administration
In table /SAPCND/T681FF the field &1 must be available (table fieldFIELDNAME).
In table /SAPCND/T681FA the field &1 for application &2 must beavailable (table fields FIELDNAME and KAPPL).