Message SAP /SAPCND/GENERATOR024 - Condition table &1 not defined in table /SAPCND/T681.

You are trying to generation a condition table that does not have thecorresponding Customizing settings in table /SAPCND/T681.
There may be two reasons for this:

  • There is no Customizing available.

  • Customizing is inconsistent.

  • The function module that generates the condition table was called up
  • using the wrong parameters.

    Check the section in the log where the consistency check on Customizingis carried out to see if there are inconsistencies in this conditiontable. If there are, deal with them accordingly
    If there is inconsistent Customizing, the function module has probablybeen called up incorrectly. This is a program error and correctivemeasures must be taken.