Message SAP /SAPCND/CUSTOMIZING629 - Data Type &1 Not Known

The data type &1 is not included in the coding because, for example, itwas only added after development.

System Response
This data type is not available for selection as a condition tablefield.

See the system administrator.

Procedure for System Administration
In form routine get_data_cond (Include /SAPCND/LMAINTENANCE_UIF05,function group /SAPCND/MAINTENANCE_UI) enter this field as anadditional CASE requirement. Decide whether or not this field should beavailable in condition table maintenance ( APPEND).
You can also decide if this field is permitted as a key field.
In form routine table_fill_0300 (Include /SAPCND/LMAINTENANCE_UIF19,function group /SAPCND/MAINTENANCE_UI) the field should be entered inthe CASE requirement, if it is not permitted as a key field.