Message SAP /MAP/AD01068 - Incomplete intervals for &1 were adjusted in row &2 (&3 to &4)

You plan two assignments for &V1&<(>&<)>V1<(>&<)> with different startdates (one earlier assignment, one later one). As multiple assignment isnot permitted, the later assignment is the direct successor of theearlier assignment. There should be no gaps between assignments.

System Response
If there is a gap between the two assignments, the end date of theearlier assignment is adjusted. The end date is then adjusted to the daybefore the start date of the earlier assignment; the later assignmentthen replaces the earlier one in time.
The end date of the earlier assignment in line &V2& <(>&<)>V2<(>&<)> wasadapted to &V3&<(>&<)>V3<(>&<)>.

Recheck all assignments that involve location &V1&<(>&<)>V1<(>&<)>.