Diagnosis It was not possible to determine the index number using the businesskeys> for object types &1.> LIME has the following object types:
- L>: Location
- H>: Handling unit
- S>: Stock item
If you do not enter the index number for a function module, LIMEattempts to obtain the index number from the set business keys>.The system checks all the business keys> of an object type forinitial values, and then the index value is obtained from thecombination of blank/not blank. It is not possible to determine theindex number if too many or too few business keys> were set.Procedure Check the delivered values for the business keys>. Alternatively, you can enter the index number of the index table (field:IDX_LOC>, IDX_HU>, IDX_STOCK>). In this case, you muststill ensure that all necessary business keys> of an index tablehave been set.