Message SAP /ISDFPS/FDPDAHHM033 - Inconsistency established for validity of the object properties

The properties of the force element (infotype 1950) are not availablefor the entire object validity period of the force element.
Validity of the force element:,,&SYST-MSGV1& - &SYST-MSGV2&
Validity of the properties:,,&SYST-MSGV3& - &SYST-MSGV4&

System Response
Infotype 1950 is used, among other things, to generate CO master data(cost centers, profit centers, cost center groups, and profit centergroups).
Fields affected in infotype 1950: country, organizational area,structure type.
The system compares the values of the above fields with the Customizingsettings to establish whether a cost center, profit center, and so on isto be generated for the force element during generation or whether datais to be inherited.
Master data cannot be generated properly unless there is consistencybetween infotype 1000 and infotype 150 (generation via workflow activityand using report /ISDFPS/ACCMDGEN).

Establish consistency between the two infotypes 1000 and 1950.