Message SAP /ISDFPS/FDP133 - Error delimiting infotype &1 subtype &2 to &3 &4

For at least one force element or position to be delimited, there is arelationship (wartime, administrative chain of command, operation, orexercise) for the object specified (force element (O), position (S), orperson (P)). This object is not part of the object quantity to bedelimited. However, to ensure data consistency, the relationshipspecified must be delimited.
This relationship is an external relationship, which is stored in eitherinfotype 1955 or infotype 1985. Infotype 1955 contains all relationshipsfor wartime establishment (subtype V*) and for the administrative chainof command (subtype T*). Infotype 1985 contains all relationships forthe operational (subtype E*) or exercise (subtype U*) structure.
An error occurred when delimiting the record specified.

System Response
The entire delimitation or activation activity is terminated.

Delimit the record separately. Resolve any errors. Then run thestructural delimitation or activation activity again.