Message SAP /ISDFPS/ACCMSG034 - CO account assignment generation

CO account assignment and hierarchy objects are to be generated forthe displayed organizational objects.
This involves generating cost centers, profit centers, assigningprofit centers to cost centers as well as temporarily assigningcost centers and profit centers to the appropriate standard hierarchy.Temporary assignments remain valid until the relevantorganizational object is activated.
The definitive assignment of the account assignment objectsto thehierarchy (assignment to the correct hierarchy nodes) is made after theforce element has been activated. If the appropriate subsequent moduleor workflow has been activated in Customizing, the person responsiblefor cost accounting and activity allocation receives aworkflowwork item for approving this adjustment to the standard hierarchy.
Changes to the organizational structure that involvereassigning hierarchy nodes in the cost center and profit centerstandard hierarchy are carried out using the hierarchy generationreport.
The hierarchy generation report should be run at regular intervals orscheduled to be executed as a background job.
The hierarchy generation report completely restructuresthe CO standard hierarchiesbased on the assignments in the force element.

If generating the objects automatically fulfils yourrequirements, generate the objects as proposed above.If you have executed the function in your workflowinbox, approve the object generation process.
Alternatively, you can create these objects manually inthe force element and assign them to the hierarchy at the same time. Ifrequired, you can also adapt the objects that havebeen generated automatically.Note that if the automatic objectgeneration process is repeated,changes that have been made manually are nottaken into account.
Generate objects if the assignments on the list fulfill all or mostof your requirements.Then make the necessary manual adjustments for the force element.
Generate objects manually for the force element if the assignments onthe list do not fulfill your requirements.