Diagnosis The system checks whether the remote function call (RFC) destinationsare defined as required for the CRM interactive reporting scenario. Procedure Go to Configuration of RFC Connections> (transaction SM59>)to create the RFC connections:
- Create one RFC connection pointing to BW client (RFC destinations
XXXCLNTNNN_T with XXX for the system and NNN the client number). UnderLogon & Security>, choose No >for trusted system,enter the BW client number as the client, and choose the ALE user(normally ALEREMOTE), providing the correct password.
- Several RFC connections pointing to each CRM client (as before, but with
the specific numbers of the CRM clients, and this time configured astrusted system Yes> for the current user).
- The RFC connections should be named with suffix "_T" in order to
emphasize the trusted connection property. This is important because youcan therefore identify them easily when needed. Result: Login for users is enabled without the login screen. Test yourconnections by going to Configuration of RFC Connections>(transaction SM59>) and clicking the Remote Logon> button.