Message SAP /CWM/MM062 - Serial numbers cannot be posted for material requiring serial number

You post a correction for stock in transit to a material that requires aserial number. At least one serial number should be posted for it. Thisis not possible. A correction is only possible with a base quantity ofzero. You can post a difference in the parallel quantity.
A difference of 0 PC and 0.05 KG exists in the stock in transit for amaterial that requires a serial number. The serial numbers relate to theunit of measure PC. You post the difference in the parallel unit ofmeasure. However, if a difference of 1 PC and 1.05 KG exists you cannotpost this difference as the serial numbers cannot make postings withthis report.

Depending on the symbol, you sort the difference for the purchase orderin question by posting a goods receipt in the receiving plant or a goodsissue in the issuing plant for the difference amount. After this, youperform a physical inventory posting.