Message SAP /CRMBW/MSG_GEN216 - Queries are executed in client '&1'

As standard, queries for interactive reports are executed in the CRMclient. However, queries can also be executed in the BW client (whichhas been the standard behavior in earlier CRM releases).

We recommend to keep the current standard behavior.
However, if you want to execute queries in the BW client, the followingparameter setting can be used.
In the CRM client, use Maintain Table Views (transaction SM30) todisplay the view Middleware Parameter (SMOFPARSFA). Create anentry. Specify the parameter as follows:
Param. Name 2,,EXEC_IN_BI
Param. Name 3
User Name,,
Param. Value,,'X'
According to this the system executes the queries using the RFCconnection that points to the BW client you specified (at runtime).
Note that regardless of above parameters the RFC connection pointing tothe BW client is used to generate extension fields (at design time).