Message SAP XT659 - Not all requests approved

You cannot import requests that have not yet been approved.
Of the requests you selected, &V1& have not yet been approved.

System Response
The system allows you to schedule the mass imports (Import ALL) at alater point in time. You can use the tp parameter HANDLING_OF_I
NACTIVE_TRANSPORTS to define the system's behavior if not all requestsin the import queue have been approved before the import starts. Seealso SAP Note 313991.

Procedure for System Administration
Your system is configured so that all requests must be approved in thequality assurance system before they are imported. To approve therequests, go to the TMS import overview and choose Goto -> QAworklist.
In exceptional cases, you can activate requests that have not beenapproved in the import queue. To do this, select those requests thathave not been approved and that you want to import, and choose
Extras -> Activate Inactive Requests. You can then import theserequests.