Message SAP XS852 - Message cannot be edited, sender address invalid

While processing the message, the SAP system determined that the senderaddress &V1& is invalid. The message was not sent.

Technical Information
IF &V2& <> ''


System Response

Check the sender address.

More Information
When a message is sent from the SAP system, the sender address is eithertransferred from the sending application or taken from the user masterrecord of the current user. If the sender address is not explicitlytransferred by the application and the current user does not have acorresponding address, the system searches for a default address, whichdepends on how the message is being sent:

  • If the message is an e-mail (or a fax sent by e-mail), a standard
  • address in the form @ is used.
    • If the message is a fax with a fax sender, the system first looks for a
    • fax number in the company address of the user. If no address is found,the e-mail address of the user is used, or the standard e-mail addressif no other is found.