Message SAP XS069 - Send times for priority & are invalid

You have entered invalid start and/or end times for priority &V1&.

System Response
The entry cannot be stored.

As soon as you set a start time you should change the end time. Thefollowing are examples of sensible combinations:
Start time = 2:00h, End time = 0:00h (initial), Tomorrow set.
This means that a message will be sent from 2:00h tomorrow.
Start time = 2:00h, End time = 5:00h, Tomorrow set.
This means that a message will only be sent between 2:00h und 5:00htomorrow. After 5:00h the message is deleted from the communicationsystem.
Start time = 0:00h (initial), End time = 0:00h (initial), Tomorrow notset.
In this case the send time is not limited, the system attempts to sendthe message straight away.
Start time = 8:00h, End time = 2:00h, Tomorrow not set.
The system attempts to send the message between 8:00h today at theearliest and 2:00h tomorrow.