Message SAP XC083 - Create interval &2 for number range object &1

Interval &V2& does not exist for number range object &V1&. However,this interval is required for the initial data tranfer to runcorrectly.

System Response
The initial transfer is not terminated. The system uses the constant'0000' instead of the number from the number range interval. However,this can lead to problems if several initial data transfers are startedin parallel of if the initial transfer is used in combination with APOoutbound queues.

Create number range interval &V2& for number range object &V1& asfollows:
Start transaction SNUM.
Enter &V1& as the number range object.
Choose Number ranges and then Change intervals on thefollowing screen.
Add a new interval with the following attributes:
No.: &V2&
From number: 0001
To number: 9999
Current number: 0
Note that the two figure description of the interval must consist ofthe figure 1 and be followed by a space (that is, the figure1 is to the left).