Message SAP WV306 - Price determination date change cancelled, invalid list entries

The change to the pricing date had to be terminated as one of thefollowing errors occurred in the pricing table:

  • Inadmissible entries (typing errors) or changes were made.

  • An error occurred in the validity period.

  • An inadmissible change could mean, for example, that the margin and thefinal price were changed. An error in the validity period occurs if the"Valid to" date falls before the "Valid from" date.
    To avoid inconsistencies, valid changes to items in the pricing tablecannot be taken into account as it is not clear which pricing datethese items relate to.

    System Response
    All the changes in the pricing list have been reset.


    • Repeat the step, making valid entries.

    • Make the changes to the pricing date and the changes to the pricing
    • items in two steps.
      • Check the "Valid to" date for the pricing items.