Message SAP WV190 - No condition table maintained for price list prices for condition type &1

In order to calculate prices for price lists, you enter in Customizingthe condition table which is to be used for creating price list prices(purchase and sales prices), depending on the calculation schema used.However, the system could not find an appropriate entry in theCustomizing table for the key for the current item, calculation schemaV2, application v3, condition type v1, pricing level 03 (pricelists).

System Response
You must always specify a condition table for the sales price.
If a required entry is not supplied, prices cannot be calculated forthe price list in the current distribution chain. If there is no entryfor the purchase price, no update is possible.

Check your Customizing settings.
If necessary, enter the condition table required for the aforementionedkey in Customizing for Control salesprice calculation. Ensure that the table is suitable for creatingprice list prices, and that the condition table is included in theaccess sequence for condition type &V1&.
Alternatively, check that the calculation schema and the condition typeare correct. Ensure that default pricing type '0001' is used todetermine the calculation schema for distribution chains which are notassigned a pricing type in Customizing.